Sunday, July 05, 2009

How to practice a DIY Laughter Therapy

kenape kita nak marah2..

apakata kita meng-happy-kan diri and enjoy! (macam lagu amy mastura tuh)

and tontonilah channel ntv7, ur feel good channel

better yet, enrol in a laughing therapy group. its scientifically proven to be good for your health :) i mean, here is a group of people who would get together, say, once a week, and just laugh their heads off.

laughter therapy is proven to:
1. strengthen your immune system
2. increases your intellectual performance
3. boost information retention

ini adalah contoh bagaimana anda boleh participate in a DIY laughter therapy:

1. cube mengawal emosi kemarahan dan jangan meletup lagi

2. buat posing bodoh (seperti gambar contoh ini, dimana saya berposing sebagai wanita ayu macam nak kene baling selipar)

3. Resultnya: anda akan tergelak dengan ke-ridiculous-an anda sendiri, thus practicing in a DIY laughter therapy

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