on the eve of merdeka, i didnt know why i was being overly patriotic, that i actually brought the lyrics to `Jalur Gemilang` along. i persuaded my dad to go to the Dataran, to get the taste of the REAL merdeka celebration..
however...by the time my dad picked me up it was already 10 something, and man!!kl was flooded with people..it took us 1 hour to get into the city itself..so..it was already 11.30 when we found a parking space...walked towards the dataran,when suddenly my dad made a detour to a gerai to get 3 burgers for him and my sisters..i was nagging them to hurry up as it was already 11.40.
we continued walking again,quite far la jugak from the parking spot...my dad and my sisters stopped...again...to eat the food..WHAT??my mum burst(not actually burst lah...but quite pissed)we were few metres away from the dataran crowd.."hurry up lah!"(thats my mum)."we`ll celebrate merdeka here je lah"(my dad)."TANAK!!!!"(me)
my dad finished his food less than 5 minutes, (no surprise there)..but syafinaz was procrastinating with her burger..i gave her the evil look and suddenly she said to my dad she lost her appetite..HAHA
we waded into the crowd..it was soo lively!2 minutes before merdeka we heard fireworks from klcc..E`ELEH..poyo..awal2 plak...
1 minute, and nobody counted the countdown, we realized that we were too far from the dataran,so,..yeah..sort of put off by this small fact..anyway, when OUR fireworks punye turn plak, my god, amazing...much better than klcc`s.HEH!it went on for 15 minutes..and i just couldnt tear myself from looking at dropping stars..and sang jalur gemilang softly.
when we got back to the car, my dad said,"yeah, all this for a 15 minutes fureworks show".and i plunged him into an argument about how unpatriotic he is.and later he admitted his defeat and treated all of us for a roti canai and teh tarik at 2 in the morning.we laughed at how the mamaks are so kecoh and i guess thats where they got the malay phrase,"bile keling nak karam".go look it up in the dict.happy merdeka people.