Thursday, November 09, 2006

anti tobacco is good

do you know that smoking can cause halithos?which is persistent badb breath?i didntk know that that condition was called sounds so cool..

me being in an anti-tobacco organization might cause insurgency in my studio where 90% of the male population are active smokers.haha..

i may not be passionate about anti-smoking yet..but i know what its doing to the generation.maybe we'll ooze this atmosphere of coolness while do you explain the yellowing teeth and bad skin?owh and you can get a really bad skin rash called psoriasis.

i sound like a kid that have just finished memorizing the amazing health encyclopedia or something..haha..but maybe i`ll sound better later. when i get more infos on smoking *oh no!syaza will flood her blog with anti-smoking entries and in 10 years time people will start to print my blog as a health reference for anti-tobacoo*

ayam kept on badgering me why i forbid him to smoke.i guess he felt missed out on something.first,he'll have that halithos thingy..second,yellow teeth and bad smell*major turn off!* and most importantly..its not good for my image as an anti-tobacco activist(well..beginner punye level lah) off now..i have much research on tobaccos that i have to going to INDIA in 3 days time!yahoo!

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