Wednesday, January 04, 2006

you be strong k?

a bad news that was delievered with a nonchalant nature didnt seem like bad news at all. but it was really..a bad news.

you were there when izat fucked up my life.i`ll never forget that.i remembered everytime you tried to shove a piece of veggie into my mouth, and called me zazi instead of zazu.

you`re a great person.dont forget that.sometimes, bad things happened to great people.thats just the way the world work i guess.its harsh.i know.i hate the fact that you are the one who had to go through all so sorry.thats all i can say.

you looked tired.that night.i wished i could be there all the glad i came.but i hated seeing you like that.whatever it is.i admire you.being strong and all.that was one of your qualities that i remember so vividly`s a tribute to one of the greatest friends i`ve ever had.i love you.

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