Monday, November 16, 2009

another day kat puteri harbour

today a big ship is parked at the marina. it belongs to TMJ. (Tunku Mahkota Johor). the name of the ship is Aminah, after one of his daughters. i think. and every once in a while the ship will blow its horn/bunyi honk yg kapal bunyik tuh, shocking the lives out of us here.

warna ship tu biru..macam a luxurious ship, unlike the other boats parked here. other boats paled in comparison to this particular ship.ship ni macam bukan jenis "orang travel the whole world with this ship" that depicts the hardships of having to go through the treacherous sea and bla bla, its more like a "im rich and im on a private cruise to majorca, and ade orang yg bawakkkan this ship".

so bile ship ni park kat sini, die macam out of place sikit. sebab harbour ni macam untuk orang yg jenis redah aje, tak main class2 ni..tapi takpelah..die ade kat sini macam style la jugak kan..

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