I like looking at blogs featuring muslimah fashion. before this i was obsessed with caribmuslimah.wordpress.com , now im haunting stylishmuslimah.blogspot.com and hijabscarf.blogspot.com.
im always in awe of individuals with authentic style in fashion, that they're able to pull off almost anything, like for instance a jumper suit, and yet look chic without looking like some mechanic.
i dont know if i will ever be able to emulate their style because, well, ive yet to garner that eye for fashion just yet. :P i really prefer to be just in my jeans, flats, and cardigan.
i need clothes. or maybe a fashion advisor. i think i need help. :D
come ill help! hahaha u know i can dress u well. eventhough i look like a bag of shit most times. :)
try hana tajima simpson.. stylecovered.. she's opening her own line maysaa.. ohhsome buat terasa nak pakai hijab jugak
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