my wrist corsage is a PRETTY white rose :)
getting ready at faliq's house saw HUGE intervention by Faliq's mum who almost fainted when she saw what i was going to wear. she even wanted to do my make-up; but then due to time constraints, i did my own make up and the results were BEST la jugak for a beginner like me :)
so this is what i wore for the dinner:
all courtesy of Auntie G :) she even loaned me her pearl bracelet and necklace
all of faliq's friends were dressed to the nines as well. and we were quite excited about the dinner. imagine to our horror when we discovered it was an AMWAY'S ANNUAL DINNER! no wonder our friend was keeping us in the dark about this, i think he was scared we'd find out.
dah name MLM, so it's filled with activities that glorify the founder / sifu of theirs, complete with phrases like luar biasa, lots of speeches that professes gratification towards the founder. *yeah, LUAR BIASA <--- the phrase they kept repeating throughout the event. -____-"
but we didnt let that damper our mood to have fun, so we tried our hardest to enjoy the rest of the night :)
neny (betul kan name ni?), herny and jaja
syah, faliq and i
saje nak tunjuk our corsages. we were the only ones with corsages. malu betullllllll
one of the highlights of the night was the games. this one, we had to pick a guy from our table and dress him up as a girl with whatever materials we have (in which we chose razif), one guy from another table wrapped himself with the sash from the dinner table! in case you're wondering how we fared, we got second :) i was the one that wrapped the hijab for him. HAHA sempat lagi nak mencapapkan diri sebagai contributor
jaja spoiled our pic -_-" she has the tendency to do that when she saw couples taking photos. sazzy was attacked as well. HAHA.
sadly this is the only clear picture i have with faliq (T.T)
all in all, it was quite a memorable night :) in spite of the shocking discovery; it was a night spent with friends and fun :)
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