Tuesday, May 25, 2010

bilateral relationships are for suckers

so finally malaysia has sold its only piece if land in another country in what seems to be a fruitless deal.

baru je the other day we were laughing about how our country is the only country that has a parcel of land in another country, legally, and how malaysians can always jump into tanjung pagar if we lost our passports and not get caught by the immigration.

why fruitless? maybe because we sold off our land there only to co-develop THEIR infrastructure?

even if they agreed to co-develop a township in Iskandar, well, Iskandar has always meant for THEM. and THEIR conurbation. so it never really does benefit Malaysians in general.

Malaysia is selling off it's land little by little and before we know it, we've already lost half of the country to our foreign counterparts. i wont even go into how our subsidies and all are blatantly used by them. *forgive me if you find my opinions a bit disturbing, but how would you like it if the prices of goods in your country went up just because your "developed" neighbour could afford to buy them with a steeper price?*

i think we've been coddling them a little too long now eh?

1 comment:

Ja Ja Sechan said...