im not a good light packer. ok. fine. in simpler terms, im NOT A LIGHT PACKER. meaning, i carry everything under the sun. which was why im the worst person to go travelling during winter. in addition to the heavy and bulky winter coats, i will have THREE pants with me; A TRAVELLING PHARMACY COUNTER (ko nak ape, lotion for EXTRA EXTRA dry skin, ade; panadol; plaster;KOOLFEVER*i dont know why i had koolfever the last time i went to korea, takut demam kot*; ubat sakit perut; ubat diorrhea*did i spelled it right?fuck habis lupe*; minyak angin *OF COURSE!*; minyak buah pala *ok. enuf about embarassing yourself syaza, stop it*); loads and loads of tops, which in the end tak pakai pun;about two pairs of sneakers (sneakers dah la berat sial.); macam2 la.
malas nak citer panjang. which will make me stand out like a sore thumb amongst the group, because im small, and my luggage can actually fit me. (japan lagi la, aku bawak segala bende yg boleh dibawak, lepas tu time nak balik tk cukup tempat sebab beli barang banyak).
yesterday i went throught the annoying process of packing my clothes. and hmm..walaupun melbourne sekarang sedang menginjak kepada summer, baju aku still banyak. APEKAH. dulu maybe boleh terima sebab asyik travel time winter. NI SUMMER BAI! kenape baju sume macam nak duduk london satu bulan (yelah, london kan winter now :P ) nasib tak bawak dresscoat sekali, ko ingat ko duduk tempat sejuk ke?
and to make matters worse, ill be travelling alone :( kalau tak cukup tangan, sape leh tolong. nak pegi tandas, sape nak tgk kan beg :(
its ok. because ill be seeing kuhaz soon. OH! ITS TOMORROW!! YAY! and suddenly found myself with a LOOOONNGGGG shopping list and not to forget a long list of people i need to buy souveniers for. -_-" WTH. aku nak pegi melancong!!!! WEEE~
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